Thursday 1 October 2015


Coconut, in our culture, enjoys a very special place. It is not only a symbol of happiness and prosperity but also an integral part of most rituals. Ritualistically, the coconut tree is believed to fulfil one's wishes. The coconut tree is called as "Kalpavruksha", as it is useful in totality.

It's a pleasure to sip on coconut water, especially in the ghastly summers.When the sun sucks away all your energy,a glass of coconut water packed with electrolytes and minerals will pump up your energy levels in no time.It is an easy remedy for diarrhoea patients, and also aids in digestion and the metabolic processes.The white flesh is used in curries,sweet and savoury preparations and also as a garnish.The dried Coconut is used in curries as well and dry chutneys.The use of fresh and dry Coconut (Suka khobra) can be interchanged,sometimes.You can make sweet-spicy Kachoris with the fresh flesh or a fried Modak with the Suka khobra. Both taste equally lip-smacking!Coconut oil is used in a number of tempering, while in some Southern Indian states,it s used instead of a neutral vegetable oil.Coconut cream is extracted from the flesh and is extremely creamy and light.It is used as a soup thickener and in a number of sweet preparations.You could make Solkadhi with it as well.
Warm coconut oil massaged into the scalp improves blood circulation.My granny makes a Curry leaf and Coconut oil mixture for hair care.Its a great combination oil that is known to delay hair greying.Coconut oil moisturises the skin and delays wrinkles.It is applied on wounds as it repairs the damaged tissue.It works great for chapped lips as well.The cream is believed to have antioxidant abilities which retards the ageing process while building your immunity.

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